
PLAYING IT SAFE IN THE KITCHEN – Injuries while cooking can happen to the best of chefs. So make sure you put the right plaster on your next shopping list.

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Injuries while cooking can happen to the best of chefs. So make sure you put the right plaster on your next shopping list. With cooking having become more and more of a trend, more people are headed for the kitchen – male and female alike. With exotic cuisines and matching new tools, from woks to sushi knives, kitchens are turning into injury hotspots. A cut, abrasion or burn can easily happen. Elastoplast, experts in wound healing, can help you with some handy tips – and prepare you for hazardous moments. And if an accident does happen, trust us for the right wound dressing that is up to the demands of even the most professional of chefs.

Safety tips in the kitchen

Of course cooking is mostly fun. But every cook, errs, botches, and makes mistakes in the kitchen once in a while. Your rice may turn gummy, you don’t get the pan hot enough before you add the food, or your caramel turns bitter... a  creative cook can cook his or her way out of almost any kitchen blunder. Real drama only strikes when an accident happens and you need to get the food on the table. That’s why the smart cook works in an organised environment and makes sure safety comes first.
There are a few ways to be smarter every time. 
Here are some helpful tips ...

Handling knives and preparing food

Invest in good quality tools
This is the secret of any good chef. Tools should be up to top standard, anything that does not function properly or knives that are blunt should not have a place in your kitchen.

Cutting edge
Always make sure to keep your knives sharp: sharper blades cut better and don’t cause injuries as often. Sharpen them on a regular basis and hone in between sharpening. Blunt knives are dangerous and actually make cutting much more difficult. Of course you know that you should always cut away from your body when using a knife: It can slip and cut you if you don't.


Wet paper towel for a better grip
Not only are cutting boards that slide on the counter annoying, they’re extremely dangerous when you’re holding a knife and trying to chop something. Wet a paper towel and lay it under the board and it won’t budge, even with harder-to-tackle things such as hard vegetables!

Make it flat
A good trick is to always cut the ends off onions, tomatoes, melons etc. (any food that does not stay stable on the cutting board) to give them a flat surface. This allows you to have complete control of the item as you chop.

A recipe for injury: When accidents are most likely to happen

So you think you’re all set, because you bought the right ingredients and have the perfect wine ready. But accidents are lurking around your kitchen…

1. Preparing food:

Number one injury in the kitchen: Cuts or scrapes from knives (either when cutting food with them or when getting them out and happening to hit the blade) or other instruments such as vegetable peelers, can openers etc. Painful cuts are the result.
What to do: 
see Instant Help “Cuts and grazes

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2. Cooking:

Heat from boiling or hot pots, from the oven or from a wok or steamer – this is often the cause for burns or scalds, which are painful. Especially, when hot oil or grease is part of the equation. 


3. Handling dishes:

Anything from clearing dishes away, removing china from the dishwasher can cause cuts from breaking china or glasses - or, a wine bottle that slipped from your hands. Cuts are the result.

What to do:
see Instant Help “Cuts and grazes

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The golden chef’s rule: Mise en place
This is the most important tip of all in the kitchen and every professional chef sticks to it. “Mise en place” is French for “everything in place”. What does it mean?  Always know where your required tools and ingredients are. And before you start cooking, be organised and have everything at hand: all your ingredients measured, peeled, chopped, pots out, pans greased, tools handy,  spices and herbs within reach.  This will keep you from getting confused and running around looking for the ginger grater or strainer while your meat is already about to burn in the pan.

Kitchen checklist:

Clever wound care products to have around the kitchen

Ouch, something happened? Make sure to have the right wound dressing at hand. You are working around water and want to keep chopping, cooking etc, so choose wound dressings that stay in place and have the right properties to let you keep fussing about the food rather than your injury.

The Elastoplast Heavy Fabric Waterproof Plasters is ideal, as it is a flexible plaster that doesn’t get soaked. Check the Elastoplast range for other convenient essentials and solutions to have at hand, and store them in a kitchen drawer.

  1. Elastoplast Heavy Fabric Waterproof Plasters:
    it’s flexible, strong, and won’t get soaked, so it will let you continue with all of your kitchen tasks – even if they involve water.
  2. Elastoplast Clear Plasters
    perfectly shaped for the tip of your finger, so it will stay in place while you cut etc. 
  3. Elastoplast Wound Spray or Fabric Roll: 
    ideal treatment after you have burnt yourself. Use cold running water first, then apply.
  4. Elastoplast Kitchen Kit
    offers multiple plaster sizes for various little mishaps in the kitchen – and is perfect when working around water

Last but not least – some more tips for hobby chefs:


Tongs as an extension of your hand
A set of tongs can be found in almost every cook’s hand in professional kitchens – usually gripped low down on the handle for maximum control. It will protect your fingertips from injury, and will give you maximum grip when flipping meat, pulling a pan out of the oven, stabilising a steak while slicing, etc.

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Handle with care!
Make sure to turn pot handles away from the front of the stove.
Burns from scalding are of the most common injuries in the kitchen.


Don’t play peek-a-boo!
Scalding can occur from hot steam as well. Be careful when lifting lids from hot food. Protect hands with oven mittens or a towel.


Towel to go
Another professional chef’s tip: always have a towel either slung over your shoulder or tucked into your apron. This way you can have it handy to hold the lids when draining pots of boiling water, wipe your hands when wet  – the list goes on and on.

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Always see your doctor if the wound is deep, bleeding or shows signs of infection like reddening, swelling or warmth. 
Also, make sure to seek medical help if you are not able to clean the wound properly.
In case you have diabetes, a proper wound care is of special importance. Always discuss any concerns you may have with your doctor and/or podiatrist, even for the care of minor wounds and skin cracks – especially on your feet.
Please note that none of the above given tips or recommendations substitute medical advice. Carefully read the instructions for use given in our products‘ packages. Important: consult a health professional in case of any uncertainty of treating your wound properly.
The information provided through this website should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care or advice. If you have or suspect a health problem, you should consult your doctor. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it, because of something you have read on this website.
For further information regarding Elastoplast products, please contact us via email on Consumer care: or phone: 0860 102 091. Carefully read the instructions for use given in our products‘ packages.